Labour Relations
Faculty Workload
How to complete a Standard Workload Form (SWF)
If you have not been contacted by your Academic Chair to discuss your Winter Term workload, and have not received a SWF from your AC, we recommend that you complete the attached SWF in preparation for meeting with your Academic Chair to discuss your workload and send a copy as a spreadsheet to Amber De Vos at
If you have had a meeting to discuss your Winter Term workload with your AC, but have not been provided with a SWF, we again recommend you complete the attached SWF to ensure that you are in agreement with your AC on the workload assigned, and send a copy as a spreadsheet to Amber De Vos at
If you have had a meeting with your AC about your Winter Term workload and have been given a copy by your AC of the SWF they submitted to the College, however you are not in agreement with the assigned workload, we recommend you complete the attached SWF and then reach out to the Union to discuss whether or not you should pursue a first level workload complaint with your AC. We also ask that you provide a copy as a spreadsheet of the SWF given to you by your AC along with the SWF you have completed for the Union to Amber.
If you have had a meeting with your AC about your Winter Term workload and have been given a copy by your AC of the SWF they submitted to the College, and you are in agreement with the assigned workload, we simply ask that you provide a copy of that SWF to the Union by emailing the SWF spreadsheet to Amber at
We are hopeful these videos will make completion of the SWF a fairly simple process. We are currently reaching out to ALP and Apprenticeship Faculty to make suggested modifications to the SWF to capture their workload. I will be scheduling meetings with ALP, Apprenticeship and E-Campus (Asynchronous delivery).
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.
Professional Support Workload
NSCCAU is addressing concern regarding Expression of Interest Three Year Temporary Assignment sent to Faculty.
Click image for a message from the Union.
Click on the image to access the Survey.