Kindness Initiative

What makes a hero.

A hero is someone who does what needs to be done and needs no other reason, they just do it.

~Bruce Guthro

Kindness Initiatives 2023/2024


The Kindness Initiative explained:

$300 for a Kindness Initiative

Each campus is strongly encouraged to organize and actively participate in this initiative. We encourage you to select a community cause that is important to your campus/community and to try and leverage the funds you have (challenge other organizations in the area, etc.….) to do as much good as possible. The goal is to encourage the active participation of members of each campus to give back to their community in an organized fun way. Maybe you organize a litter clean-up of a road in the Spring or set up outside a grocery store or farmers market and use your funds to purchase pumpkins that you give-away in return for a donation to a specific cause like the SPCA or a Food Bank. For other ideas below is a link to Volunteer NS, a provincial wide organization that helps make the connection to 10 organizations looking for volunteers. Also of note, World Kindness Day 2023 is Sunday November 13th. The AAU office is here to help if you have any questions. Volunteer Nova Scotia (

On Dec 2 NSCCAU AVC members prepared soup in collaboration with the Farm CafΓ© to spread kindness to about 75 to 80 through serving home made soup and biscuits. We let all members of the community we served know that we were NSCCAU members, the town really appreciated our gift.

Also, members have been given $5 Kindness cards to give to students that are noticed spreading kindness to others. The cards can be used to purchase food at the Farm CafΓ© on campus.

Great efforts!! Thank you AVC! πŸ²πŸŽ„πŸ‘

IT Campus and Shelburne representatives used their Kindness Initiative Funds to purchase food for the student pantry. This pantry helps feed students in need. As the sign says: Take what you need, Give what you can”. This is a great cause! Way to go! πŸ‘πŸ‘

Truro Campus donated their Kindness Initiative Funds to Truro Holiday Wishes Campaign with NSCC Foundation. Great initiative! πŸ‘

In partnership with a team of ALP students, Akerley campus was able to leverage the $300 kindness initiative fund and collect the following items for donation to Out of the Cold, Street Outreach Program.

  • 11 sleeping bags

  • 18 warm blankets

  • 25 personal care bags that included: deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, lip chap, body wipes, tissues, hand sanitizer, bottles of water, socks, soap, hand warmers, and a greeting card 

  • 21 pairs of heavy-duty winter coveralls

  • 3 boxes of various additional personal care items and snack food

  • AND.......$600 in Sobeys gift cards!!!!!

FANTASTIC NEWS πŸ‘πŸ‘! Thank you Akerley Campus!