AAU HR Consultant Term Hire
The AAU is looking to hire a term HR Consultant part time in the 2024/2025 fiscal year. The position will report to the AAU Executive team and be responsible for supporting Executive and staff in on-going and new projects with respect to AAU organizational needs and completing initiatives that are a result of changes and new language in the most recent Collective Agreements. The AAU represents 2 bargaining units, Professional Support and Faculty, both of whom are employees of NSCC.
Any parties interested in the position should apply by submitting their qualifications to the AAU by email at info@atlanticau.ca. Please use the subject HR Consultant in the subject line of your email. Submission deadline is end of day September 6 2024.
The position is also posted on Indeed. The job posting can be found here HR Consultant - Term Contract - Dartmouth, NS - Indeed.com
The Consultant will support Executive and Staff of AAU and promote Organizational Development by:
Review of the roles of each Economic Welfare Team with respect to negotiation preparation.
Continue to work with the College on the implementation timeline for all aspect of Article 19 - Faculty CA
Develop training for members on the Standard Workload Form (SWF) to ensure they understand how to complete the SWF and the benefits of also completing AAU’s original SWF as a backup data source for Faculty workload information
Support VP PS and VP Faculty in training on Collective Agreements for members
Assist LRO in developing training on how to file a workload complaint for PS Members
Create a training plan for the Camus Representatives to develop their skills to be able to better address on-campus issues
Support VP PS and VP Faculty by using best management practices for gathering evidence-based data from members.
The Consultant will perform the following tasks:
Create policies to support the AAU such as Accommodation Policy, Confidentiality, etc.
Creating Terms of Reference for all AAU Committees
Determining the necessary data to be obtained from members and analyzing data to determine services to be provided to members from AAU staff.
Support Director and Coordinator in completion of Feasibility study to determine upgrades to AAU information system and website.
Create data and materials for submission to labour board for PS recognition clause article 2
Continue work on potential audit of NSCC with respect to number of management positions, fair hiring, duty to accommodate, and safety levels with respect to programming
Create exit interview template for exiting/retiring Members
Continue to represent AAU on policy review committee for Respectful Workplace, Sexual Violence, and Student Community Standards policies
Provide retirement pension planning session for members re: how to calculate their pensions
And any other tasks that the AAU Executive and Consultant mutually agree on.