AAU Spring Symposium Registration


Welcome to the registration page for the AAU Spring Symposium 2024!

The fee to register for this year’s conference is $50. The AAU has arranged 2 payment options

  1. Members can use their ILA accounts. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your account if you select this option. Once you have completed the registration information below and hit the submit button you will be directed to the payment page. If you are paying with your ILA account, there is nothing for you to do. Please leave the page.

  2. Members can pay using their credit card by following the instructions on the payment page once they hit submit after filling out the registration form. Members will be directed to a payment form. Press the PayPal or Stripe button and fill out the required information for payment.

Check-in will be Thursday evening from 4pm-8pm and Friday morning from 8:00am-10:00am. Please contact the AAU coordinator - Amber de Vos if other arrangements need to be made for check-in.